How to get Doom 3 compiling in release mode with Visual C++ Express: 1.) Install the DirectX SDK 2.) Download this and put it in neo/sys/win32: 3.) Open the _Release.props file in a text editor - Delete anything reading reading "nafxcw.lib;" 4.) Repeat step 3 with _Debug.props 5.) Open the Doom3.sln file in Visual C++ Express 6.) Remove the dlls, exes, and libs folders from the solution 7.) Open precompiled.h under idLib - Comment out line 61: #include "../tools/comafx/StdAfx.h" 8.) Open BuildDefines.h under DoomDLL/Framework - Comment out line 96: #define ID_ALLOW_TOOLS 9.) Open win_taskkeyhook.cpp under DoomDLL/Sys - Comment out line 37: #include 10.) Open win_shared.cpp under DoomDLL/Sys - At line 49, insert the following: #include "win_nanoafx.h" 11.) Right-click the DoomDLL project, go to Properties - Under Configuration Properties, go to VC++ Directories Add the DirectX SDK Include path to the Include Directories list Add the DirectX SDK Lib/x86 path to the Library Directories list 12.) Remove everything in DoomDLL/Tools except for the Compilers folder from the project 13.) Remove the DoomDLL/Sys/RC folder from the project 14.) Build!